Thursday, October 22, 2009

Making progress

So training is a long progress with a goal in mind. As of today my big goal is 184 days away.

The past Sunday I did my first very long training ride. I took part in the One Tonner 160 km cycle event. The aim for me was to cycle as close to 6 hours as possible. As all of us know in a perfect world it does not always go according to plan.

We (me and Jan de Moerin) set off and was keeping a good pace. Up until about 100 km were he started experiencing back pain etc. We went very slow from here up to 130 km were I then left him to cover the last 5 km to the car and I went off to finish the last loop of the race.

Eventually I spent 6 hours and 50 minutes in the saddle! But that is all OK as I really did finish strong and that means that training is starting to pay off.

Now we just have to keep the legs and arms going to the next mini goal which is Jailbreak in December!

Monday, October 5, 2009

New meaning to washing machine effect ...

Let me tell you that no matter how much people tell you about the triathlon swim, and how much time you put into training in the pool, NOTHING will prepare you for that open water swim (shocking) experience on your first triathlon.

So I waited at the back and went slowly into the dark, brown mountain water in the dam! I just could not get my head into the water and swim like I train. NOT AT ALL!! Eventually I decided that swimming on my back would be better and only then started to make some progress. So after 22 minutes of swimming I made it back safely to the side and went in to transition area.

From there it was a breeze (or not as it was 34 degrees Celsius) on the bike. I passed so many people and had to keep on telling myself to hold back just a little as I still had to run. The run was off road but not a problem and eventually I finished in 1:52:14!

Don’t care about the time anymore as I enjoyed it too much to worry.....

Now for the next event!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What does paintball and cycling have in common

well if it was not for my son's birthday this past Monday I would not have know. The answer is CO2 cannisters.

so he had his 10th birthday and I bought him a paintball gun to play with. little did I know that it used CO2 cannisters and that I will now have to protect the onces in my cycling bag like crazy.

so the first tri event for this season is this weekend! I am ready (or not) for the first sprint event of the year. this will also be my first triathlon (ever) on my way to Ironman SA and the butterflies are starting to kick in. if only I could get them to fly in formation the weekend should be a breeze.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It is all about the rhytm ....

once you get into training again, you further develop your rhytm, whether that be in the pool or on the road.

so just as i am getting used to training again, my rhytm gets broken. should probably not complain too much as triathlon's are not my means to an income and if it is required that i travel to visit our offices, so be it. work is paying the bills after all. only problem is that i will now only be able to train 3 out of 7 days for this week!

but look at the positives around this, as it is another 2 weeks or so to go to the clanwilliam triathlon and i would rather be undertrained going into the event.

happy training and be carefull out there!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thanks heaven for indoor trainers and pools

You probably guessed it? It is still raining in Cape Town and there is even forecasts of snow! this is the 8th of September already.

Which reminds me - "Happy birthday to my wife!!! :*"

Did my first swim in two and a half weeks last night. Tried to not over do it, and ended up doing 800 meters in 20 minutes. Have to be sensible about training and not rush back in to doing to much! Did a 45 minutes session on the indoor trainer this morning and will skip tonight's track session in order to take the family out to celebrate the birthday!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cape Town weather sucks!

if it is not hot, it is wet and cold and just makes you sick!

i have been off anti biotics for 2 days now and will do my first training session again tonight on the indoor trainer. attended the wp triathlon registration last night and i am now a licensed triathlete ... woopee!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

this weeks training ....

as I am still struggling to get rid of this flu and being confined to NO training, I guess tonight would still be worthwhile. tonight I will attend the road show that the guys / gals from IM South Africa will be hosting in Cape Town.

looking forward to see other IM 2010 hopefulls there ...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

This week

Last time I trained this week was on Tuesday night when I did a track training session. Since yesterday been feeling not well and it might be that this flu at home is finally starting to catch-up with me. Will just have to see what happens!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The plan ...

So I had this wild idea (for some time now) of doing the Ironman. Now it is reality and I am entered in the 35 -39 age group.