Needles to say that I had a disastrous WP Champs! First I walk straight pass "the coach"! That surely set the tone for the race.
The swim was OK. Actually it was a lot better than I anticipated.
When I got to transition some twit move my bike from where I racked it earlier. So my transition was slower than expected, but I pay to race and do not get paid to race :).
The bike leg started really well and close to the 30km mark I was averaging 35km/h. Then disaster struck. I could no longer keep my fluids in. I immediately stopped drinking my trusted Hammer product and just started drinking water. For the next 10km it was 2 sips in, 3 sips out. Not very good for me and I was starting to fear dehydration.
Got to transition and tried to take a sip of Energade I had. No use as it would just repeat on me. I just decided to stick it out as I was still feeling strong, but just had the worst ever stomach cramps. During the run someone passed me a sachet of water and I started sucking on this. It seemed to help a little. I could run the flats and up hills, but not the down hills as it was contributing to my repeating feeling.
At last I went down the last downhill and to finish in a worse time than expected. But at least I managed to finish the race in one piece and it made me realize that anything can go wrong on race day. Just have to work out if it was the combination of salt water and Hammer that caused this to happen.
Challenge Roth 2013 – 2nd
11 years ago